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Be Aware of ‘Warm-Up Thefts’ During Winter Weather

Be Aware of ‘Warm-Up Thefts’ During Winter Weather

In the frigid winter months, drivers may be tempted to pre-warm their vehicles by starting it, then returning to their residence to continue getting ready for the day, which are ideal conditions for vehicle thefts. When these vehicles are stolen, deemed “warm-up thefts”, they are often crimes of opportunity and can happen in a matter of seconds.

In response to ‘warm-up thefts’, law enforcement across Canada seasonally reminds Canadians that cold weather can turn into a gift for criminals. For example, law enforcement agencies across Alberta are participating in Operation Cold Start, a crime prevention initiative aimed at addressing the high number of warm-up auto thefts that occur in the province during the winter months. Throughout Operation Cold Start, officers will be looking for vehicles that are unattended, unlocked and/or have keys in the ignition, and, once identified they will educate owners on the various ways they can keep their cars, and the property inside, safe.

Auto theft is a national problem that threatens public safety and continues to affect our local communities. Équité is working with Alberta law enforcement to support driver awareness and safety tips to avoid warm-up thefts this winter.

To further assist Canadians during the winter months, here are some tips to help keep vehicles safe:

  • Use a remote starter or stay with your vehicle as it warms up
  • Remember that push button equipped vehicles can still be driven without the key present.
  • Never leave your keys or fob inside your vehicle
  • Don’t leave a running vehicle unattended
  • Never leave children or pets inside a vehicle
  • Use a steering wheel lock
  • Keep your vehicle locked at all times
  • Remove garage door openers from your vehicle