May 9, 2022

Meaningful Connections Create Results

Meaningful Connections Create Results

Recently, I was thinking about how the pandemic brought issues into focus that had each of us take stock of what is most important. For me, the pandemic underscored the value of relationships, both personal and professional. Here at Équité Association, our relationships and partnerships are the foundation of everything that we do.

Success comes from collaboration and partnerships. Partnership starts with finding commonality of purpose – it is about focusing on what connects us instead of what separates us. What better way to fight insurance fraud and crime than teaming up with, and connecting across our industry? Harnessing the strengths and abilities of our members, law enforcement and other government agencies from across the country, is one of the most efficient ways we can scale and solve this complex issue.

When it comes to fighting insurance crime, the industry agrees that partnerships are critical to success. In today's fast-paced landscape, no one can do it alone. Équité Association was established to bring the industry together in pursuit of a common goal. Five elements sum up the great collaboration among partners:

  1. Open, transparent communication;
  2. Innovation;
  3. Flexibility;
  4. Trust; and
  5. Measurable results.

Good communication gives us comfort and security. It encourages the sharing of ideas and supports innovation. It also fosters comradery and ensures aligned priorities, which is the outcome of employing flexibility in our partnerships, to make space for each set of priorities. Partnerships must be deeply rooted in trust; trust that each party will behave ethically and professionally as well as be considerate of each other’s welfare. Partnerships that are rooted in two-way communication are mutually beneficial, and foster trust that will build a capacity for longevity far beyond a single project or program, driving measurable results.

Throughout our organization, there are examples of collaboration everywhere. From formal partnership agreements (we have over 70 and more in flight!) to participation in law enforcement committees and government taskforces, to sharing subject matter expertise and trend analyses, Équité is committed to fostering meaningful connections and growth. We are proudly part of a larger ecosystem involved in the fight against insurance crime.

No one agency can fight fraud in a vacuum. We must work together to share knowledge, ideas and best practices. We need to continue to learn from one another, and celebrate in shared wins. Working together, we can achieve great things for our industry and for Canadians.


Cvent Guest. (2019, November 7). 5 Qualities of a Successful Partnership. Cvent,,in%20optimizing%20your%20partnership%20agreements.