May 30, 2023

Leading with Purpose, One Step at a Time

Leading with Purpose, One Step at a Time

Outstanding ROI for members, streamlined investigative services, and leading-edge technology investments have resulted in a tremendous year for Équité and our members. These successes are directly connected to our purpose-driven culture, which is built on integrity and respect and is essential to creating real and enduring change, as we progress towards our vision of eradicating insurance crime in Canada.

Insurance crime is at unprecedented levels presently, and as a result, Équité, our members, law enforcement and government agencies have needed to adapt to a rapidly changing landscape this past year. By harnessing the industry’s collective strength through collaboration, Équité Association has been at the centre-point of this change.

When we unveiled our three-year plan starting in 2022, we prioritized streamlining and optimizing our investigative services, investing in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) fraud detection, and strengthening our partnerships with members and partners. To that end, we surpassed our 2022 strategic objectives, with special thanks to our hardworking team who achieved a return on investment (ROI) of $115.3 million, well above our goal.

These incredible results are closely aligned to the positive employee culture the Équité team has created. 2022 was a tremendous year of growth and change, which the team navigated with integrity. I am deeply appreciative and proud of the diversity of knowledge, experience, and perspectives around the table; each team member contributes to what makes us an amazing place to work.

When I think of our future, I often think of the famous quote by Ruth Bader Ginsburg, “Real change, enduring change, happens one step at a time.” Ginsburg was, and still is, a personal icon for me – a trailblazing leader who lived her values every day, but who also knew that enduring change, that follows the arc of justice and contributes to a better future, a more equitable future, is built one step at a time. The foundation we build today, will sustain us now, and into the future.

Read more in our 2022 Annual Report, which is available here: