June 13, 2024

Équité Association’s 2023 Success Spotlight

Équité Association’s 2023 Success Spotlight

Terri O`Brien

As the national authority on insurance crime and fraud prevention, Équité Association is a not-for-profit organization, supporting Property and Casualty (P&C) insurers in Canada to fight fraud by using advanced analytics, intelligence best practices, and coordinated investigations.

At Équité, we recognize that the cornerstone of our collective success is rooted in our unwavering commitment to meeting the needs of our members to meaningfully reduce insurance crime. In 2023, our continued commitment to deliver value to our member insurers while protecting Canadians against insurance crimes drove the following notable successes.  

Groundbreaking Launch of ÉQ Insights

The launch of ÉQ Insights in October marked a milestone in our industry’s journey as we move towards a ‘predict and prevent’ model. Insurance crime has never been more complex and emerging technologies are making it more difficult to detect criminals. By sharing intelligence, and merging analytics with investigations, members will have the upper hand in the fight against insurance crime, and ultimately, meaningfully reduce insurance crime in Canada.

Investments in leading-edge technology and data-driven insights provide Équité and our members the upper hand in the fight against insurance crime. ÉQ Insights allows the insurance industry to fight back, opening the door to faster, better identification of complex insurance crime and stopping criminals that are stealing from honest, hardworking Canadians.

Another Record Number of Vehicles Recovered at the Ports

Équité continues to partner with law enforcement and government agencies across the country and internationally to deliver exceptional value to members.

Delivering another record-breaking year of recoveries from the Ports of Montreal and Halifax, Équité investigators in partnership with Montréal Police, Halifax Regional Police, and CBSA achieved outstanding results in 2023. Over 1,715 stolen vehicles were recovered at the Ports of Montreal and Halifax, valued at approximately $100 million. Auto theft recovery methods and intelligence-based approaches continue to mature, delivering greater results.

Government Relations & Advocacy

Équité’s Auto Theft Working Group, compromised of member representatives, developed the Auto Theft Policy Position Paper, a set of core advocacy recommendations to combat the auto theft crisis in Canada. This laid the groundwork for our advocacy strategy for 2023, served as the cornerstone of our advocacy efforts, and guided our actions and initiatives aimed at fostering positive change within our communities. In 2024, many of these recommendations were included in Public Safety Canada’s National Action Plan on Combatting Auto Theft.

The efforts of Équité, our members, and key stakeholders have proven instrumental and has garnered positive, tangible outcomes. We remain committed to leveraging our advocacy efforts to drive further positive change and safeguard our communities against the pervasive threat of auto theft.

Awareness is the First Step in Fraud Prevention

Équité is the news media’s go-to resource for authoritative insight, comments, and quotes on insurance crime news stories that impact Canadians. We provided key information and recommendations to national media, our members, and law enforcement in an effort to combat the escalating trends in insurance crime, notably auto theft. In 2023, key messaging highlighted the insurance industry’s key role in detecting and preventing insurance crime, resulting in hundreds of millions of media impressions.

The cumulative work of 2023 has driven significant changes in 2024 as the auto theft crisis has been brought to the forefront of public awareness. In Terri O’Brien, President & CEO of Équité Association’s June blog, she discusses the exciting measures and initiatives from the National Action Plan on Combatting Auto Theft, which closely aligns to recommendations Équité has been advocating for on behalf of the P&C insurance industry.

Read our 2023 Annual Report for more information.