Insurance brokers and agents are the trusted and expert face of auto insurance. From breaking down the fine print in documents to providing helpful advice, they are on the frontline when it comes to providing clients with must-have information. This article is a resource for brokers and agents to share with their clients and communities to prevent drivers from becoming a victim of auto insurance fraud.
Drivers who want to file an insurance claim for financial gain (which can put innocent drivers and their passengers at risk) often cause staged collisions. Sometimes known as a “crash for cash” scam, there are additional costs to taxpayers that can be difficult to detect, and therefore are often difficult to prevent. However there are actions drivers can take to mitigate their risk.
Knowledge is power
Install a dashcam
Report the collision
- Was the other driver behaving strangely?
- Does the injury claim seem exaggerated?
- Were you prevented from changing lanes?
Don’t pay with cash
Insurance crime is not a victimless crime, and Équité members believe it is time we eradicate these crimes from Canada. In 2023, Équité partnered with Crime Stoppers to make it easier for Canadians to report insurance crimes anonymously. The Crime Stoppers tip line (1-800-222-TIPS) is available 24-hours a day, seven days a week. For those who prefer to submit tips online, click here. Both options are anonymous and confidential for tipsters.